Saturday, December 10, 2011

Exhibition Critique

I had previously and briefly looked over most of the submitted projects, but I studied more closely the powerpoints of Andi Andrzejewski, Eleanor Eshenour, and Jessica Noble. Eshenour, who seemed to make good choices when it came to artworks to exhibit, did not really give any sort of explanation for them, so I did not want to critique her work, with such a vital element missing. Noble's powerpoint did have explanations in it, but (and I am not sure if this was just my computer acting funny) all of the text boxes were jumbled together so that they were difficult to read.

Therefore, I ended up going with Andi's presentation, Art High and Low, which had an interesting concept and structure. It showed that Andi paid attention and learned something from the video we were assigned to watch, and applied it to the exhibition project. When creating my own project, I did not consider placing more than one artwork in a slide, and then comparing and contrasting them, which  was a good idea, since the theme was about the supposed differences between high and low art.

When writing the critique paper, I had a difficult time keeping my paper in the order of the "Steps of Art Criticism," which I wasn't sure if we were supposed to be doing anyway or not. Elements of later steps kept cropping up when I was talking about earlier steps, so I hope that's okay. It's not rigidly structured, but more fluid, I suppose. I also wasn't quite sure how the article was supposed to sound. Was it supposed to actually seem like a critique written in a newspaper, or something less formal that that?

I feel a little uncomfortable critiquing fellow students' work, because I feel like being critical towards a peer comes across as more offensive than a teacher being critical. I don't know if anyone will be able to see what I said, but I tried to state my opinions without coming across as too harsh. I did, however, enjoy looking at the work that everyone had done.

I am very curious about what people said (if anyone critiqued mine) about my presentation. I'd like to read what they wrote, if possible. I'm worried that I didn't present my concept in as clear a way as I should have. It would be nice if we got more feedback on the projects we do for this class, such as more required comments on the blogs. 

I would give my finished article a 9/10, unless I am misunderstanding how exactly it was supposed to be written. I tried to be thoughtful when writing about Andi's work, and do it justice. For the most part, I enjoyed this project. I did have trouble coming up with twenty-five artworks that seemed to relate to my theme (which sounds ridiculous--there must be hundreds or thousands that would work), but I hope I justified them well in my explanations. I think this is one project that I could benefit greatly from from student and teacher feedback.


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